ChrisDog93 says no. ChrisDog93 has a site called Chris Dog 93's clubpenguin cheats. He agrees with many penguins that no you cannot tip the iceberg. ChrisDog also has a banner on his site that says this:
Saturday-January 31st
Server-Sleet Room-IceBerg
Time-9:00 AM PST, 12:00 EST
Try to tip the iceberg with ChrisDog93.
Notice that this banner is old, so who knows what he thinks now? Mimo77 says no also. Her post says: We've been around ClubPenguin a while. And we've heard constant rumors about being able to tip the iceberg. We've heard stories like, "if you tip the iceberg you get 5,000 coins and a golden puffle!" And "you need at leat 100 penguins on the iceberg to be able to tip it." The problem with that is the iceberg only holds 50 penguins at a time. So, lets put this whole thing to a rest. YOU CAN'T TIP THE ICEBERG!
But her comments claim that some people have. There are many different ways people say.One way is to wave, coffe sign,stick out tounge,grren sick face then wave again.That dosen't work. Many people use drills. This may or may not work.My guess would be 50 penguins go to one side, but thats just me. Someone says if you go on at midnight you can crack it with a drill but not tip it. But with two people this will not work. My experiments start now.